Research/ Monitoring and Evaluating

Photo by Francisca Alho

Photo by Francisca Alho

For Those…




Who are committed to…

  • Capturing holistic and contextually accurate data to inform future programs, strategic planning, CSR planning and ESG reporting

  • Understanding the impact of programs through quantitative and qualitative means

  • Understanding and implementing workplace policies and systems which support justice, equity, diversity and inclusion

  • Reporting on international frameworks and guidelines

Our work includes…

Baseline surveys and impact reporting

Monitoring and evaluating social and environmental impact of organizations, activities or programs to be used for research, reporting or strategic planning.

Strategic Planning for CSR and ESG Reporting

Reporting on existing CSR and ESG in connection to global frameworks and guidelines, and strategic planning for future programs and partnerships.

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Literature Reviews

Collating global understandings, projects and programs and synthesizing data to create concise reports and reviews.